

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Egg Muffin Cups

Try these yummy egg cups as a quick snack or part of your meal.

Mix - 
3/4 cup egg whites 
4 whole eggs
1/2 cup shredded cheese
2 green onions (chopped)
4 chopped mushrooms 
3/4 cup chopped spinach 

Pour into 9 muffin cups and cook for 15-20 minutes at 350 degrees 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Helping 100!

In my job as a coach, the most important thing I do is help people.

I am NOT a salesperson...
I am NOT an expert...
I am NOT a scam artist...
I am NOT in it just to make a buck.


I AM passionate about health and fitness...
I AM knowledgeable about tools that can help people on their own health and fitness journey...
I AM still a work in progress...
I DO take joy in helping others and watching them succeed...
I DO have my clients' best interests in mind.

I simply WANT to help people.

And I do just that on multiple levels!!

I have helped many people with my free monthly challenges!
I have helped many people find a fitness program that meets THEIR needs, not mine!
I have helped people with their nutrition, and/or weight loss goals!
I have helped people by showing them how to do what I do, so they, too, can help others!

I have, and will continue to HELP whoever needs and wants my help!

In fact, I have set a goal for myself this month (JULY) to help 100 people!

YES - 100!

Maybe you will be one of them!  Maybe not.  But I would like to ask you one favour!

I would like YOU to help ME!

Cheer me on!  Don't let me give up!  If it looks like I am slacking - call me on it!
I have set a pretty lofty goal, and it is going to take some work, but I'm up for it!

And it will be worth it!