

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Have You Stuck to Your Goals?

As we near the end of January, it time to check on our progress.  Have you been sticking to your goals?  Are you still working out everyday?  Are you still eating healthy foods, or has junk food started creeping back into your pantry?  Are you still making time for your family?  Have you kicked any bad habits?  It takes 21 days to create a new habit.  We are 24 days
into the New Year.  If you have been consistent with the goals you have set, you should be well on your way to developing whatever new habits you are trying to create.

If you are struggling, perhaps you need help.  If your goals are based on health and fitness, then I would love to provide my support.  I provide daily support through my accountability groups, and I can match you up with a fitness program and nutrition plan that is ideal for you and your needs.  If you would like to learn about how I can help fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page.  I can't wait to hear from you!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Making a Plan!

     Well, the New Year has begun!  Like many people, I start my year with goal setting.  Notice I didn't say "resolution".  While some people may not see a difference, I do.  We all know that the success rate for New Year's Resolutions is low, and that is why I choose set goals instead.
     I sit down and reflect on the things I would like to achieve in the upcoming year.  My goals stretch into different areas of my life:  health, family, business, travel, relationships, career etc.  I try to narrow down 5-10 goals I would like to reach (often some are related or connected).  I also write my goals in the present tense as if I have already achieved them.  For example:  I am down 2 pants sizes.  I am earning $_____/month in my business.  I am taking 2 family vacations this year.  I am taking a vacation with just my significant other.  I am working half time so I am more available to my family.  I have paid off my car loan.  You get the idea?
     Once I have decided on my goals, the next step is break them down - backwards design them.  How am I going to meet these goals?  What will need to happen every month, week, day in order to reach success?  This is the most important step!  With out this step, I am only wishing that those things will happen.  There must be a plan!  There must be small manageable steps that I can do, and that through consistency will project me closer and closer to my goals.  Goals are reachable!  Dreams are attainable! Set your heights high, make a plan, and stick to it!  You can do it!