

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Making a Plan!

     Well, the New Year has begun!  Like many people, I start my year with goal setting.  Notice I didn't say "resolution".  While some people may not see a difference, I do.  We all know that the success rate for New Year's Resolutions is low, and that is why I choose set goals instead.
     I sit down and reflect on the things I would like to achieve in the upcoming year.  My goals stretch into different areas of my life:  health, family, business, travel, relationships, career etc.  I try to narrow down 5-10 goals I would like to reach (often some are related or connected).  I also write my goals in the present tense as if I have already achieved them.  For example:  I am down 2 pants sizes.  I am earning $_____/month in my business.  I am taking 2 family vacations this year.  I am taking a vacation with just my significant other.  I am working half time so I am more available to my family.  I have paid off my car loan.  You get the idea?
     Once I have decided on my goals, the next step is break them down - backwards design them.  How am I going to meet these goals?  What will need to happen every month, week, day in order to reach success?  This is the most important step!  With out this step, I am only wishing that those things will happen.  There must be a plan!  There must be small manageable steps that I can do, and that through consistency will project me closer and closer to my goals.  Goals are reachable!  Dreams are attainable! Set your heights high, make a plan, and stick to it!  You can do it!

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